What is Restorative Dental Care?
Restorative dental care includes any procedure that aims to restore the normal function and appearance of your smile.
By repairing structural problems such as damaged or missing teeth, our dentists can help restore your smile – and your oral health.
Depending on your issue, the dentists at Carbonear Dental will determine the right restorative treatment option for you.
Dental Crowns in Carbonear
Crowns are porcelain caps that are placed on top of teeth to restore their function and appearance. Crowns are used to attach bridges, cover dental implants or prevent a cracked tooth from worsening. They can also help to restore a discoloured or stained tooth to its natural appearance.
Dental Bridges in Carbonear
Bridges are natural-looking tooth replacements that are bonded to existing teeth or dental implants to replace a section of missing teeth. Because they are custom-made, bridges are barely noticeable and can restore the natural contour of teeth and the bite between upper and lower teeth.
Dental Fillings in Carbonear
At Carbonear Dental, we use composite (tooth-coloured) fillings to repair a cavity or tooth damage, like a crack. These fillings can withstand moderate pressure from the constant stress of chewing, and can be used on front and back teeth.
Inlays & Onlays in Carbonear
Inlays and onlays are tooth-coloured porcelain fillings used to repair cavities when the damage is too extensive for a standard dental filling. They are custom-made in a dental laboratory and are then permanently cemented to the tooth as a single piece.
Full & Partial Dentures in Carbonear
Dentures are artificial teeth used to replace one missing tooth or several in a row (partial dentures), or a whole jaw of missing teeth (full dentures). They allow patients with missing teeth to maintain their facial structure, and talk and eat properly.
Root Canals in Carbonear
A root canal is a procedure where your dentist removes diseased blood vessels, nerves and tissues from the interior of a tooth. By removing the decay and bacteria, your dentist can help halt the spread of infection and prevent the need for an extraction.